
in the 80s a man had a big TV 'i wanna sit here all day" once thought he and so he did, for many days actually... for all those years and now his body outgrew his flatscreeen buddy

My ankle

Few weeks ago i unfortunetly twisted my ankle. Obviously its irritaiting that i cant get anywhere without my walking sticks and the rehabilitaion( half of it really sucks!) but i managed to see some benefits from my injury, because i try to stay postive :) . I get drove to school everyday and that means i have a hour more of sleep and dont have use the crowded public transport. Almost everything is served right to my hands. My meals and anything i need from the other room. On rehabilitaion beside boring exercises i get 30min massage for my hole leg. I also get to talk with some really kind people there. It is also nice how many people are so nice to me. My friends dont mind( or CAN'T mind haha) walking from my room to saloon 5 times because i forgot to tell them to bring something. Everybody asks how am i doing with the leg and stuff. Everybody holds the doors for me. Random people tell me smacznego( there is no english version and have a nice meal just doesnt work). It is really n

Dying and already dead jobs

Work. Key to survival of goverments and people. Almost everybody had, have or will have a job. Not necessarily because we want to but because we have to. Thankfully there thousands of occupations to choose from( in the past we have'nt had that kind of possibilty. With time and progress of technology many new jobs appear. But at the same time some those are elimnated because that progress. Some of those are: 1. Mailman- this job is disapearing because of development of the internet. There is no need for somebody to walk from home to home giving out letters and wasting time and somebody's energy. All that can be done by sending that mail to our computer by the internet. Of course there are things we cannot recive thru internet like a new chair or a skateboard but it is rare we order this kind of stuff. 2.Sewers- most of that work can by done by sewing machines faster and with no mistakes There are many more dying jobs. They also disapear because  managers spend less money on

Alien theories

Are we alone in the universe? This question boders humanity for a long time. We all want to know if there is "somebody" out there but the same time are scared to know. When we look in the sky, do we look at shining stars or other civilizations far far away asking themselves the same question? I personally think we are not alone and here are few theories of mine about why aliens have not contacted with us yet: 1. None of the civilazations from outer space are advanced enough to contact somebody from other planets (either cannot travel to other planets or have not figured out how talk with species from space). 2.Other civilaztions don't want to contact with us because they don't see benefit from this meeting or know that our planet is not ready for this kind of milestone in it's existance. I'm pretty sure majority of our population would freak out about news like that. Maybe they know we would start a war with them and bring nothing good. 3.We haven't con


 Fate likes to play games with us from time to time. Recently i thought about decisions we all make and their status after some time. Some of those we consider to be good and turn out to be one of biggest mistakes of our lifes. Some choices we regretted at the beggining but after time we were happy we chose them  .At the ending of the 60's an NBA player called Spencer Haywood had a choice between 100 thousands dollars or 10% of Nike's company earnings. In that time nobody knew about Nike, a cloth brand that just started making their own shoes, so the choice was "obvious" :). Today those 10%'s equal 8.6 BILLION DOLLARS. Oh i am so sure he hates himself for this.   Now a story from my own experience. When i was i 11 me and my friend went to a skateboard camp. At the ending of the camp a stranger walked up to me and offered a t-shirt for 50zł( At that time i consider 50zł a fortune). Back then i was wearing size M shirts and this one was XXL size. So for some rea

The use and perception of stimulants in history NOT for own entertainment

Many substances we consider harmful drugs and stimulants were seen completly difrent in the past. During WW2, not only but mostly, American soldiers were given those "pills for braveness" that were supposed to make them fearless on the battlefield. I think all the troops belived that if the pills were approved and distributed by government they weren't harmful or dangerous to health. In reality the pills were just full ampthetamine, a drug that does increase confidence,get rid of fear and sharpen up our senses but it all has a price. The drug leads many many very serious mental health problems as well as physical disfunctions. Those pills were responsible for soldiers leaving war with addictions and PTSD's. Another example is how popular and accepted cocaine was in 20th centrury.  It was used for braveness too(Ernest Schackelton explored Antarctica while on cocaine), but it was also sold in drug stores like any other medicament for headache's and tooth pains(witho

Is one of our greatest friends, our greatest enemy?

Recently i watched few sci-fi movies since im into this genre. The one that got most of my attention was Terminator ( decided to watch again for 45234 time because why not). The thought that got into my head after watching it was probably the same one everybody got too (noo not the thought :"OH MAN THAT TERINATOR GUY IS SO COOL"). What if something like that could really happen and computers would want to kill the human race? Artificial Intelligence (A.I) is already a big thing in our lives. Programs like Siri, and Alexa are the most knonw and basic A.I's we know. From what i've read, these programs are already capable of analysing our choices and giving solutions that would mostly fit our concerns. . If this example does not convince you here's another one. I've seen short clips on youtube where A.I's constructed by Google are doing simple tasks that require sort of mind process. Those programs were able to talk with a human on the phone and for example s