
 Fate likes to play games with us from time to time. Recently i thought about decisions we all make and their status after some time. Some of those we consider to be good and turn out to be one of biggest mistakes of our lifes. Some choices we regretted at the beggining but after time we were happy we chose them  .At the ending of the 60's an NBA player called Spencer Haywood had a choice between 100 thousands dollars or 10% of Nike's company earnings. In that time nobody knew about Nike, a cloth brand that just started making their own shoes, so the choice was "obvious" :). Today those 10%'s equal 8.6 BILLION DOLLARS. Oh i am so sure he hates himself for this.
  Now a story from my own experience. When i was i 11 me and my friend went to a skateboard camp.
At the ending of the camp a stranger walked up to me and offered a t-shirt for 50zł( At that time i consider 50zł a fortune). Back then i was wearing size M shirts and this one was XXL size. So for some reason i bought it and after few minutes i realised what have i done. I started crying and calling my parents because i "wasted" the money they had given me. I thought it was a huge mistake and really regretted it. About a year ago( i'm 16 and i think 30cm taller) i found the same shirt in my closet, put it on and thought it looks super cool. Now it's my favourite shirt i am so so happy that i bought it back then. Fate is funny


  1. Now this is really interesting to read and much closer to what I was hoping to see. In the future, make the parts where yu describe events or situations shorter and deepen your reflections. The only reflection here is: "in hindsight, some decisions turn out to have been bad and some good" - not a very deep thought, is it?


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