Is one of our greatest friends, our greatest enemy?

Recently i watched few sci-fi movies since im into this genre. The one that got most of my attention was Terminator ( decided to watch again for 45234 time because why not). The thought that got into my head after watching it was probably the same one everybody got too (noo not the thought :"OH MAN THAT TERINATOR GUY IS SO COOL"). What if something like that could really happen and computers would want to kill the human race? Artificial Intelligence (A.I) is already a big thing in our lives. Programs like Siri, and Alexa are the most knonw and basic A.I's we know. From what i've read, these programs are already capable of analysing our choices and giving solutions that would mostly fit our concerns. . If this example does not convince you here's another one. I've seen short clips on youtube where A.I's constructed by Google are doing simple tasks that require sort of mind process. Those programs were able to talk with a human on the phone and for example schedule a dentist visit for us. I forgot about something. THERE IS ALREADY A CYBORG EXISTING. It has a body, own mind, advanced enough for philosophical questions like "What does it mean to be happy?" This meens a machine can already speak, analyse what we say, form a proper answer and produce it's own opinions on something all by it's self. I know it's very far from turning into murderous machines that want to wipe put our hole population BUT we already have something that is getting close to being a human but is not human.
Obviously with time those A.I's will only get smarter and more advance. So here are 3  main questions i have. Will A.I's be smart and self-aware enough to think/realise that they want be the dominating group on our planet? Are they going to do anything about it? Can we consider them as one of the species?
To the first 2 Q's, i hope they will get smart enough to work together with us and solve problems we can't. To the last one, from definiton of a word Specie-is the basic unit of classification and a taxonomic rank, as well as a unit of biodiversity. Taxonomic rank- the relative level of a group of organisms. Organism- is any individual entity that exhibits the properties of life. Those properties of life are (przemiana materi) and thinking on it's own. Well, we have 50% of that. So... will our mechanical friends save us or doom us?
One more thing. Elon Musk is one the most known and respected A.I visioners and filantrops. He said himself that we should be very careful with A.I because the risk of A.I being "too smart" can occur.


  1. Wow, that's a lot of text to read but, at the risk of seeming unfair, I have to make a few comments:
    1. avoid sloppy spelling and grammar - there are loads of mistakes here that could easily be avoided
    2. stick to the word limit: 150 words
    3. organise your thoughts and give them structure - this is an exercise in expressing your thoughts in a succinct and precise way and not an opportunity for verbal diarrhoea.


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