My ankle

Few weeks ago i unfortunetly twisted my ankle. Obviously its irritaiting that i cant get anywhere without my walking sticks and the rehabilitaion( half of it really sucks!) but i managed to see some benefits from my injury, because i try to stay postive :) . I get drove to school everyday and that means i have a hour more of sleep and dont have use the crowded public transport. Almost everything is served right to my hands. My meals and anything i need from the other room. On rehabilitaion beside boring exercises i get 30min massage for my hole leg. I also get to talk with some really kind people there. It is also nice how many people are so nice to me. My friends dont mind( or CAN'T mind haha) walking from my room to saloon 5 times because i forgot to tell them to bring something. Everybody asks how am i doing with the leg and stuff. Everybody holds the doors for me. Random people tell me smacznego( there is no english version and have a nice meal just doesnt work). It is really nice to see people care for somebody in need.


  1. Don't forget they subconsciously assume that you'll return the favour one day! Like all the primates.


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